Frequently Asked Questions

What is the location of camp?

We’re at the Greenwich Catholic School, conveniently located at 471 North Street, between Clapboard Ridge Road and Birch Lane.

What should my child wear?

Please make sure your child comes dressed in athletic clothing with sneakers/cleats AND is dressed appropriately for the weather as many of our programs are outside even during the winter. For programs such as lacrosse and soccer, please bring equipment each week. NOTE: Randall’s Island is colder than Manhattan so plan accordingly.

Do you transport the children door-to-door?

Yes! We will transport your child from school to the field and from the field to your front door step.

What is the drop-off procedure?

Children go home on a counselor monitored bus and are handed to a parent or designated person between 5:30 – 6:15pm. Our drop-off range extends east and west from 110-50 St. Outside of this range, we may be able to transport your child for an additional fee. Please contact us to discuss options. For expediency, it may be necessary to transport children with a counselor by taxi.[/expand]

If my child misses a day, what is the makeup policy?

There are no make ups for missed sessions. Should your child be suspended or expelled due to inappropriate behavior, there is no refund. Corbin’s Crusaders prides itself on positive behavior, positive coaching and good sportsmanship.

Do you have a policy on bullying and inappropriate behavior?

We have a strict NO-BULLYING policy including a “Bully Free Contract” that we have occasion to use. We regularly communicate with parents to address concerns as they arise.

Is my child going to be on the same bus every week?

Typically yes, but there may be exceptions depending on attendance and other factors.

Can my child ride home on the bus with their school friends?

Take home routes are planned according to neighborhoods and for greatest efficiency, though we are happy to accommodate these requests if possible.

Do you give the kids a snack and can I pack one for them?

We give all children snack at the conclusion of each program. You are, of course, welcome to pack a snack, but please ensure it is NUT-FREE. We are a NUT-AWARE organization.

Do you store personal equipment for kids?

No. Children are required to bring their own equipment each session.

Do you have a lost-&-found?

Yes. Please contact us if something is left behind.

Who do I contact if I want to know when my child will be home?

Contact Peter at (212) 875-8174.

What should I do if I want to pick up my child from the field?

Contact Peter at (212) 875-8174.

If I want to form a group for my child and friends, how many kids do I need?

Groups of at least 8 children are needed for new groups and buses.

What is the location of the program?

Randall’s Island is our primary location. We are occasionally in Central Park or other NYC parks. We use gyms on the Upper East & West Sides during inclement weather.

If my child is going to miss a day, what should I do?

Please contact Peter by phone or email at (212) 875-8174 or [email protected].

Are programs co-ed?

Yes and no. Some programs are boys only and some are girls only. Soccer, Team Sports, Fencing, Ice skating are co-ed.

Do you pick up at my child’s school?

A list of participating schools is available here. We are always trying to form new groups so please contact us if your school is not listed.