Vacation Day Camp


Children are picked up at home beginning at 8:30am and taken to various locations in the New York Area on counselor monitored school buses. Following the program children are brought to their apartments, our take home concludes at 3:00pm or you can enroll for an extended day that concludes around 6:00pm. We confirm someone is always home to receive them.

Schedule and Details

Winter Break Sports and Adventure Camp

For boys and girls, ages 3 -14
December 16-20, 23,24,26,27,30,31 and Jan 2-3 and February Break Feb 17-21

Stay warm and have fun with your friends playing sports in gyms, going to the bowling alley, the zoo, the movies, the rink and museums.

Spring Break Sports Camp

For boys and girls, ages 6 -14
March 16-20, March 23-March 27 and April 6-10

Campers play team sports such as baseball, basketball, soccer, touch football and lacrosse outdoors – gyms and indoor activities provided on inclement weather days.

Trips and Adventure Camp

For boys and girls, ages 3 -14
March 16-20, March 23-March 27 and April 6-10

Spring into fun with your friends playing sports in gyms, going to the bowling alley, the zoo, the movies, the rink and museums.

Pre-summer Sports and Adventure Camp

For boys and girls, ages 4 -14
June 8-12, 15-19, 22-26, 29-Jul 3

Children will play at Randall’s Island or a gym in inclement weather.  We also do trips to bowling alleys, the zoo and other fun location.

Learn More About Vacation Day Camp

Register Now

Additional Camp Days – When your child’s school is out – we are in!  If you have a group interested in joining us for a day, please give us a call (212) 875-8174 or email us at [email protected].

Click here to see a sample Spring Break week (Download PDF).

Our PS 527 Students can enjoy themselves and join us at our half-day camp which is located right in school either in the gym, roof, or another multipurpose room. Children will play soccer, dodgeball and much more! Pick up is in the cafeteria or gym between 5-6pm.

PS-527 Half-Day Camp Registration